Please note, this post was originally posted February 14, 2014 on our website before we started this blog!
So this was our fourth week of publishing an ebook (the third week of letting you know what happened and how everything is going).
Total Sales
So we have sold 35 total copies of our books thus far (that is $70 in income for a month!) These are in order from the oldest dated published to the newest ones.
- 14 How To Succeed At Stock Photography
- 11 Real Estate Agent Selling Tips
- 9 Becoming An Authority
- 1 Authority Marketing Manual (published yesterday)
Notice anything? The ones that have been there longer have sold more…well that was a “duh” moment. But that would NOT necessarily be so. The stock photography book is a little outside of our core marketing niche so in actuality we are a little stunned that it is continuing to rack up the sales (all be it slowly!)
Thought Process
So our thought process going into this was just that a book a week is a nice round number and easier to manage than two a month or every other week. Now, we know that might sound weird to some people BUT it is now getting into habit mode and we are getting some rock star systems in place to produce and market our books. Additionally, if we were doing one every other week, we have to say that the process would still be the same, we would just screw around for the week in between and then scramble the second week!!!
This is our process…
- Monday Rebekah does the final content, review and revisions for the book from the week before
- Tuesday meet to make an outline and brainstorm ideas for next week’s book and do the final edits for this week’s book
- Wednesday Tara formats and publishes the book, makes the cover graphics and marketing banners that we will use in marketing
- Thursday promote the new book
- Friday-Monday Tara writes the rough draft of the next week’s book and Rebekah blasts this week’s book out to the world
Why it works…
We have been working together closely for a year and have finessed some of the things that would have tripped us up. Tara is more anal about getting things scheduled and done, setting up systems and making worksheets. Rebekah is more seat of her pants and do a million things that she cannot explain to anyone but which make a HUGE impact. When we started, it felt like we should both be doing all the different things…this was a nightmare. Figure out what your partners or team members are good at and assign tasks based on ability, not being even steven every day.
Also, we meet on a weekly basis. Tara has a mastermind partner she works with every month and that is great but the “work-work” tends to get done right before the next meeting instead of over the course of the month. By meeting weekly and knowing EXACTLY what we are going to get done by the next Tuesday, we are moving light years ahead of where we would be if we didn’t have that weekly power session.
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